The Top 10 Things from Around the World

Top 10 Best Myanmar Movies 2014

For those who keep yourself up to date with the latest movies, you might still want to check the following list if you miss one or two of it. Here is the collection of the top 10 best movies that just released in 2014 including the past movie which is still popular until now.

In some case at the movie house will not tell everything or play every new movie. So it is smart to keep us up to date with TV series, drama for example.

This is fun and very entertaining to go through and take time to watch it sometime. Let's go to the list together.

10 >> Pan Pwint Myar Yae Tha Mine

9 >> Sa Gar Ma Myar Nae

8 >> Nhat Ka Lay Yae Mee Ahim Shin

7 >> Myit Tar Lay Pyin Thay Chin Kyane Sar

6 >> Lwal Chat Ka Kan Kone Pell

It is a very wonderful movie expressing the life of the teenager and having fun most of the time.

5 >> Tar Tee Pho Maung
The movie that show the tradition within the main theme of topic like showing the monk marching at the start.

4 >> Ko Yin Nya Down Ma Pyaung Lae Par

It's very much fun to hear music through out the story and the comedy performance that come along. This is good one.

3 >> Ah Mone Kan Yoe Tan Yae Yin Khone Than Hlai

Just the beginning of it, you can tell right away that this is the love story movie.

2 >> Phar So Lar
It is calm and peaceful when watching this movie. No rocking performance but very interesting.

1 >> Kaung Kin Htet Ka Moe Kaung Kin
Another slow motion movie for those who like calm feeling which is good to spend time with during break time.

*For your preference this is not a kind of perfect list but you can recommend the correct list.